
Showing posts from March, 2020

Post Office New Interest rates from april 2020

जैसा कि व्यापक रूप से उम्मीद की जा रही थी, सरकार ने अप्रैल से जून 2020 की तिमाही के लिए पीपीएफ, एनएससी, केवीपी, एससीएसएस जैसी छोटी बचत योजनाओं पर ब्याज दरों में कमी की है।  इससे पहले, 2019-20 की चौथी तिमाही के लिए, अर्थात् जनवरी से मार्च 2020 तक, दरों को अपरिवर्तित रखा गया था। पीपीएफ पर ब्याज दर 7.9 प्रतिशत से घटाकर 7.1 प्रतिशत प्रति वर्ष, 80 आधार अंकों की कमी की गई है।  वरिष्ठ नागरिक बचत योजना के लिए, ब्याज दर में 8.6 प्रतिशत प्रति वर्ष से घटाकर 7.4 प्रतिशत प्रति वर्ष कर दिया गया है।  1-वर्षीय समय जमा के मामले में, कमी 1.4 प्रतिशत है क्योंकि दर 6.9 प्रतिशत से 5.5 प्रतिशत हो गई है।

What is a red giant star? Why is it called so?

What is a red giant star? Why is it called so?      A star of medium size, such as the Earth's Sun, burns hydrogen in its early years, fusing the nuclei of this most abundant element to form helium and creating the energy that makes the star shine. This fusion process usually takes place in the core of the star; temperatures in the outer lay ers are generally too low to allow fusion to occur. After eons, the hydrogen in the core of the star is converted completely to helium.

What is a fiberglass and how is it made?

What is a fiberglass and how is it made?      Fiberglass is a form of glass that is made when glass is drawn or blown into extremely fine fibers. These fibers retain the tensile strength of glass and yet remain very flexible. The most commonly used raw material for fiberglass is  quartz, a form of silica that is the chief constituent of sand. Quartz is resistant to attack by almost all chemicals and can be extracted very easily when it is in the molten state. In most cases, the molten glass from which fiberglass is made is forced through a platinum plate with very fine openings. On the far side of the plate, the fine fibers of glass that emerge are united without being twisted, and are wound on a suitable spindle. Mats of fiberglass    

What are Icebergs and how are they formed?

What are Icebergs and how are they formed?      Icebergs are floating masses of ice that break off from glaciers. So far as the North Atlantic is concerned, most  of these menaces to navigation are 'calved’ in Greenland. This largest island in the world, having an area of 21,66,000 square kiometre consists mainly of one huge ice field, and it is estimated that 1,00,00,00,000 tonnes of ice are forced by pressure into the sea every twelve months. Fortunately, in the majority of cases the bergs melt before they can do material damage, but a considerable number   reach the ships’ routes. The most terrible disaster of iceberg hitting a ship occurred in April 1912, when the British ocean liner Titanic (then the largest ship in the world) struck an iceberg on her maiden voyage. ln that year over 1,200 bergs had

How is implantation of an artificial tooth carried out?

How is implantation of an artificial tooth carried out? These days many patients suffering from dental disorder prefer implantation for replacing a tooth which needs to be removed because of decay or is lost otherwise.The procedure is simple and requires only a few sittings. In most cases, it is the diseased tooth which needs to be replaced. The tooth is extracted under local anaesthesia and implantation bed is surgically placed in the jawbone. The implant, which actually is an artificial tooth root made of titanium with a suitable crown set on top of it,is screwed into the jawbone. (See diagram).  This method of tooth replacement has many advantages over a dental bridge. The adjacent teeth

How big is the universe?Dose it have an edge or is it infinite in extent?

How big is the universe?Dose it have an edge or is it infinite in extent?      Scientists have long pondered the size of the universe, but they all know that this is one of those eternal questions to which there are no definite answers. The problem in this case is that the human eye, even with the aid of the most powerful telescope, cannot observe the deep space beyond a certain distance. In addition, there also is a certain distance beyond which the universe itself is physically unobservable.      what makes the size of the universe incomprehensible be explained in simple terms. The universe is about 13.74 billion years old. However, space itself has expanded enormously