
Showing posts from April, 2020

Israel Locust Swarm

Israel invaded by an army of 10,00,000 desert Locusts ! There is a story in the Bible that to teach a lesson to the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt that rained atrocities on the Jews i.e. the Israelites, the Good Lord bestowed 10 different types of tortuous plagues on them. According to God's will the eighth catastrophe started when large swarms of locusts were suddenly seen in the skies over Egypt. These locust swarms descended onto the fields there and proceeded to demolish the whole crop in a matter of minutes.

Why are talking drums important in West Africa?

West Africa's talking drums  : More than just a musical instrument      Forget for the time being the present day era of IT / information technology and read the description of an incident that took place almost a century ago. A senior archeologist of The British Museum named R. Heselden was camping at a small city named Ibadan in the course of a study tour of Nigeria. One night drums were beating nearby, sufficiently loudly and intermittently to prevent him from falling asleep.For many hours that night cacophony of beating drums was followed by a brief lull of a few minutes to start all over again. why are talking drums important in west africa?      Next morning as Heselden came out of his tent near the excavation site, he noted that labours were talking in hushed tones and also observed much concern on their faces. On asking the foreman the reason for unusually subdued behaviour of the labours, he was told, ‘A big steamer carrying white people has sunk and many h

Among the fruits commonly eaten raw,which fruit is the most nutritive?

Among the fruits commonly eaten raw, which fruit is the most nutritive?      Undoubtedly, it is the avocado, a fruit native to tropical Central America and introduced into India probably in the beginning of the 19th century. The first cultivators of Mexico who were conquered by the Spaniards about 400 years ago.      Because of the high oil content, avocado (also called alligator pear) has the highest calorific value. Per edible 100 grams,it gives 163 kilocalories besides some vitamins and 2.2% protein .A fair-sized avocado weighing about 450 grams is equivalent to a standard loaf of bread in terms of calories.That is why avocado considered as the most nutritious fruit.

Which is the most poisonous snake in the world?

Which is the most poisonous snake in the world? There are 2,400 kinds of snakes, but only about 100 of them are considered dangerous to humans. Most naturalists believe that the taipan snake of Australia, found in a remote area of Queensland, is the deadliest and produces the most toxic venom,which is 50 times as powerful as that of the king cobra. In one bite the Australian taipan snake releases enough venom to kill almost 100 people or nearly 2,50,000 mice .