
Showing posts from November, 2020

What is a crow court?

        Before coming to the main topic mentioned in the title let us gain some primary knowledge: There are about 8,700 types of birds in the world. These are distributed as follows: First into 27 orders and the orders are divided into groups which in turn are categorised as tribes; tribes into sections; sections into family; family into genus; and finally genus into species. The following article is about the ‘Corvus' genus which is the genus of crows and in which there are 126 species i.e. types of crows. We only know and recognise the common crow, but it has many relatives and cousins. For example, ravens, rooks, carrion crow, large-billed crow, Eurasian

What is wasp nest made of?

        An English naturalist named Roger Harvey was collecting samples of leaves to study the vegetation during his visit to Africa in the mid 20th century. After walking miles for the samples, he sat down on a stone to rest his tired limbs. About 10 feet away from where he was resting he saw a wasp working furiously in the sandy soil. Roger Harvey had some knowledge about insects, so he made no mistake in recognizing the insect for a wasp. (Otherwise most people confuse a wasp with a honey bee, since at first glance the appearance of both the insects is more or less similar). Harvey got interested in the activities of the wasp. As he looked on, this wasp moved grains of sand with its fore legs and filling up a hole. Just as a pirate works at a feverish pace to bury his looted treasure, so also the wasp was working at an extremely fast pace to seal the hole. After sometime, the hole was sealed up; but the wasps was not satisfied. It pulled and piled u...

Is a pitbull dog dangerous ?

        Students of journalism are often taught that if a dog bites a man, that is not news; but if a man bites a dog that is definitely a juicy news item. The example is alright as far as the definition of news is concerned - because such stories where a man has attacked and bitten a dog are never seen. On the other hand, the fact that a dog has bitten a man should not be considered news is being proved wrong time and time again, with ferocious regularity by the breed of dogs known as the pit-bull. During the eight years, from 2005 to 2012 in the USA itself, such dogs have taken the toll of 151 people. On an average one person has lost his/her life every 19 days. This is the number of the death toll. The people mauled and wounded by pit bulls has not been included here -

What is a bitcoin and how dose it work?

        There are nearly 5,500 citizens of India who own smaller or bigger amounts of bit- coin. Although unable to feel the touch of this virtual currency in their wallets, they do not have an iota of doubt about its safety in the vaults of the cyberspace (internet). Everybody is familiar with coins i.e. various sets of identical pieces of metal bearing specific patterns for use as money but this virtual currency is called bitcoin because it is the digital 'avtar' of the 0 and 1 bits. Out of various forms of mediums of exchange invented by humans since the prehistoric times, the bitcoin is the weirdest because it has no physical existence.